President's Message

Deborah and I have lived in Barcroft for 36 years, and the changes have been constant. Many of you have lived here longer than I have, and have seen even more changes. Small houses become larger, and lots that held a single small home become the site of several much larger ones. The State Department and National Guard have opened facilities on George Mason. And soon, two large projects on Columbia Pike will bring more people (and more cars) to Barcroft. The County has declared a two year moratorium on new parking restrictions, so we can probably expect the current parking situation to tighten further.

On the bright side, new businesses and new residents will be coming to Barcroft, and the Pike continues to “revitalize." I'll probably be one of the people reminiscing about how easy it was to zip in and out of the Food Star (and Grand Union before that) before the Harris Teeter opened. But let's face it, that property will be put to much better use after Columbia Pike Village Center is built. The same is true of Trafalgar Flats at the bottom of Buchanan. Change presents challenges, but let's meet them together. Your concerns and suggestions are always welcome, and the BSCL may help address them, if you let us know about them via email or at a monthly meeting. The next one is October 5th; maybe I'll see you there!

Chris Siple

Chris Siple is the current president of the Barcroft School and Civic League.